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enjoy consciously
Two people with a lot of heart and a vision meet.

Manon & Michael are both taking a completely new & unique path. Manon will take over one of the oldest bakeries in Dresden in October 2021 & start bread and more.
The first vegan & long-term dough bakery in Dresden is created.
Finally there is bread in Dresden that is easy to digest and goes back to the origins . The longer the dough rests, the more gluten and toxins are broken down and the nutrients are retained.
No wheat, untreated regional flour & ancient grains, with natural sourdough, healthy ingredients, craftsmanship, time, passion, enjoyment & awareness are the most important values for Manon & Michael in their bakery.
Everything is shaped, baked, packaged & sold with our hands, energy & love.
Both are convinced that 80% of the immune system is located in the gut and therefore has a major influence on your health and mind .
Nothing leaves the bakery without WE behind it - quality instead of quantity !!
A unique added value and a special place are created for people.